Desde que entrou em vigor em Setembro de 2020, a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados é um marco na …
Últimas postagens
A Casa Tegra recebe até o dia 24 de janeiro a exposição de artes visuais “Desconstrução”, da artista paulistana Jessica Diskin. …
Cerca de 1.300 turistas desembarcam amanhã (quarta-feira, 24/01), às 7h, no Terminal de Transatlânticos de Cabo Frio, celebrando a temporada …
Até o dia 28 de janeiro (próximo domingo), a quarta edição do Claro Verão Rio acontece em frente à praia de Ipanema, …
O Rock in Rio está marcado para os dias 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21 e 22 de setembro de …
Tradicional ‘Feira O Fuxico’ promove edição de verão
por Márcia Dornellespor Márcia DornellesA badalada feira O Fuxico, acontecerá nos dias 27 e 28 de janeiro (sábado e domingo). A primeira edição do …
A ministra da Cultura, Margareth Menezes, participa nesta quarta-feira, 24, às 17h, do 5° Rede Capoeira, que será realizado na …
Dando início ao seu processo de expansão pelo Rio de Janeiro, a House Forneria, rede de pizzarias carioca que oferece a …
Gaming Across Generations: Bridging the Gap Through Play
por Jorge Rodriguespor Jorge RodriguesPrepare to delve into the alternate universe of Mirrorwatch, where heroic versions of Overwatch battle against their evil Talon counterparts. In this limited-time event, players will witness epic clashes between …
The Competitive Edge: The Rise of Esports in Global Culture
por Jorge Rodriguespor Jorge RodriguesPrepare to delve into the alternate universe of Mirrorwatch, where heroic versions of Overwatch battle against their evil Talon counterparts. In this limited-time event, players will witness epic clashes between …
Game news
Beyond Entertainment: Video Games as a Medium for Social Change
por Jorge Rodriguespor Jorge RodriguesPrepare to delve into the alternate universe of Mirrorwatch, where heroic versions of Overwatch battle against their evil Talon counterparts. In this limited-time event, players will witness epic clashes between …
Unleashing Creativity: The World of Indie Game Development
por Jorge Rodriguespor Jorge RodriguesPrepare to delve into the alternate universe of Mirrorwatch, where heroic versions of Overwatch battle against their evil Talon counterparts. In this limited-time event, players will witness epic clashes between …
The Future of Gaming: Emerging Technologies and Trends
por Jorge Rodriguespor Jorge RodriguesPrepare to delve into the alternate universe of Mirrorwatch, where heroic versions of Overwatch battle against their evil Talon counterparts. In this limited-time event, players will witness epic clashes between …
Breaking Barriers: Representation and Diversity in Video Games
por Jorge Rodriguespor Jorge RodriguesPrepare to delve into the alternate universe of Mirrorwatch, where heroic versions of Overwatch battle against their evil Talon counterparts. In this limited-time event, players will witness epic clashes between …